Zachary Butler

Degree: Master of Science in Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development

Thesis: Assessing the Ecological Roles of Nine-banded Armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) on Georgia's Barrier Islands


Environmental Policy Award - Odum School of Ecology, UGA – 2018

Grant-in-Aid of Research - American Society of Mammalogists – 2018

Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund - American Museum of Natural History – 2018

Exploration Fund Grant - The Explorers Club – 2018

William C. Churchill Fund-Karl T. Fredrick Memorial Fund Grant - American Wildlife Conservation Foundation – 2017

John Spencer Fellowship - Odum School of Ecology, UGA – 2017

What has become your favorite quote?

Armadillos are stupid animals in many respects.

– F. W. Taber, 1945

What was your greatest epiphany in the last two years related to pursuing your degree?

Armadillos are a weird species of mammal, not a turtle.

What would be your ideal job in life?

To help conserve threatened wildlife and maintain healthy ecosystems so that future generations have the ability to experience the benefits of wildlife and wild spaces long after my lifetime.

Share advice you would give somebody entering graduate school:

Don’t be afraid of failure, just make sure you learn from it.

What are your immediate next steps (within the next few months)?

Moving to St. Croix for the summer to work with the Buck Island Sea Turtle Research Program.

Congratulations, Zach!