Dan Hawkins

Degree: Master of Science in Conservation Ecology & Sustainable Development

Thesis: Ontogenetic diet shifts at multiple spatial scales in the salt marsh periwinkle, Littoraria irrorata

What has become your favorite quote?

Is Julie here?

What was your greatest epiphany in the last two years related to pursuing your degree?

My greatest epiphany was that grad school without close friends and a tight-knit grad community would have been impossible.

What would be your ideal job in life?

I have no specific career goal. I hope to work in the field of conservation where I can make a difference by working in research, education, and charity restoration.

Share advice you would give somebody entering graduate school:

Never feel bad about taking a mental health day. Work hard, but don’t stress about not working. Also, assume you will be there longer than you expect.

What are your immediate next steps (within the next few months)? ​

I currently live in Tacoma, WA working for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife in the Habitat group. I will be working on evaluating habitat restoration projects for the short term.

Congratulations, Dan!

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